Monday, October 8, 2012


For the longest time I have wanted to start a blog. But every time I started one, no words would come. I would stare at a blank screen trying to piece together my thoughts that I wanted to share with the world, and instead I would get nothing. Discouraged, I would close my computer and decide that the idea was stupid.

Until today.

This past weekend, something happened inside of me. I experienced God in a whole new way and words can't explain it, but I am changed. Let me explain.

I have been a Jesus-lover for a very, very long time. But for me, it was almost an inherited lifestyle. I grew up thinking that I was a Christian because that's all I knew. But slowly, God broke the walls in my heart and showed me that He is passionately in love with me.

The God of the galaxies, is in love with me.

How do you fathom that? How do you even begin to understand that much love?
I don't know, but what I do know is that the peace and the joy that I have experienced from knowing Christ is enough for me. And I know that His love with never fail, give up, or run out.

Anyways, I finally found the words to start a blog.
I chose the name 'Becoming More', because I am in love with the "Becoming More than a Good Bible Study Girl" devotion, and I am sure I will quote it often. In fact, this post was a devo I did a while ago that stuck out to me recently.

  1. Satisfaction or happiness as a result of fully developing one's abilities or character.

I want my life with Jesus to be fulfilling. I want my belief to work no matter what life throws at me. I want to be so certain of God's presence that I never feel like I have to face anything in my own strength or rely on my own perspectives. My strength will weaken during hard times. My perspectives get skewed by my emotions(and trust me, girls have a lot of them!).
I want total security not matter what happens.
In other words, I want my relationship with Jesus to be ENOUGH to keep me sane and together and still fully devoted.
Fulfillment means to be completely satisfied. How might our lives look if we were so filled with God's truths we could let go of the pain of our past? True fulfillment is never found in seeking to do enough, be enough, have enough, know enough, accomplish enough.

This blog is a reflection of my adventure on seeking fulfillment in God. Yes, I have a man in my life whom I love with my whole heart. Yes, I have a great job, a great car, 5(yes, 5) amazing dogs,a loving family and a pretty normal life.

But none of those things will ever, truly fulfill what Christ can do. It took me 21 years to figure that out.

1 Chronicles 28:9- Learn to know the God of your ancestors intimately. Worship and serve Him with your whole heart and a willing mind. For the Lord searches every heart and knows every plan and thought.

If you seek Him, you will find Him.

I am seeking, and I am finding so much more than I could ever imagine. I can't wait for this adventure to continue.

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